Thursday, March 6, 2014

United we stand divided we fall. What if it happens the other way ?

What if India gets divided in itself?

Just for a moment I got a thought what if India gets divided among itself to form a new Country? Something like the European union, called the Indian Union.

I know India now is already divided to twenty-eight states, okay 29 including Telegana and 7 union territories (UT), err.. Wiki and the election commission of India say we are still one short of twenty-nine.

Okay lets come to the point, Now that we are 28 states and 7 UTs and we see nothing similar or common in all these states and UTs. Every state have their own way of governing the people, only certain institutions are governed by the so-called center and financial regulations are done based on the Central Government budget.

If given the chance for a state to prove it, can’t they do it? The Railways, the Banks are the most commonly referred central agencies that show their profit loss pan India.
We people speak different language, we have our own style of living, differing from the way we address people professionally, different in the way we dress for occasions. The food that we eat is different. The ways we celebrate the common function are different.
Hence, why not give a separate hand in governing too?

If you see the most gainers out of this divide and rule concept will be the state that have a port with them to perform the global trading, viz., Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, West Bengal, Gujarat, Orissa and Karnataka. These states will definitely continue to prosper and perform better economically compared to the rest of India.

The most dangerous or affected part will be the people or the state from the extreme North and Central India. The J&K will have too less security and its easy for the neighbours to attack and take their region of country, same in case of the North-East states too which are also troubled by the intrusion of the neighbours.

I say the Central India too will be affected since we all know Bihar and Madhya Pradesh are known only for their labor in other states, still agriculture in most parts of south of MP is the source of income for the entire state. Where as Bihar is still requesting for special status as they fare poor in all fields compared to others.

So a plan can be made to combine three or four state to gain the best possible outcome.

If J&K, Haryana, Punjab, Uttaranchal and UP Combine, they have some power to define terms in their region.
Similarly Gujarat and Rajasthan can combine, Orissa Bihar and Chhattisgarh.
MP, MH can form a single region.
The Northeast all can join the WB, also Sikkim to WB.
Down south it’s really a war of the states. Every state has its own regional political party, regional trade of business and regional advantage. Only thing might be Kerala should join Tamilnadu or Karnataka as per their interest. Or all the four can join to one single state or country, then there is every chance the global ranking increases.

All the above-mentioned are just a perspective; I am not saying it is mandatory for the states to be united to get them recognised.

Globally there is every chance that the Indian Union can beat the European union and can go one level higher. We still know that the 41% of Indian population is below the poverty line, this issues can be addressed and reduced easily, once you are divided you get to know how this 41% is divided regionally and the lowest can be concentrated for being better, thus reducing the BPL value.

When it comes to education all the regions have one esteemed university that provides international level of education. Every region has its own Millionaires who are at some rank in the top 100s. Every state has its own Co-operative banks run for the people. The nationalised banks still can do better once divided as they can also boast of their branches across the globe.

Every state at an average of 500KM has an airport, so connectivity between the regions should not be a concern. The state government in most cases already own the roadways; only the highways differ from state to the national which has nothing much to do here, they will do what they are doing now, still we pay tolls at national highways and not knowing whether it reaches the right person or the department.

The education system will be different. The sports development increases naturally, we have almost an international recognised team in all possible Olympic Sport but we are not able to perform up to the expectation.

Already we take feature films different for different region of people also the box office for most of the films released today are faring well.
Given a separate status and free governing authority over the state will definitely differentiate people between others, still you cannot say people do not boast. We are made to showoff the importance one self and of the place from our early child hood days itself.

The biggest advantage might be in reduction of Corrupt officers and Corruption.
There will be better government institutions and the elected representative will do well for the people and betterment of his/her region.
There will be proper utilisation and distribution of your taxes. There is every chance the difference between the service tax and service charge collected in any restaurant is known, reduced or even abolished.

The Law body can remain the same only thing is the supreme court that is the final decision making authority might have to face less charges or cases.The Judgement and hearings from the High courts will be faster. There will be better implementation and followers of law.

The saying A law maker should not be a law breaker will be witnessed.

The one big disadvantage might be the operation of railways and Defence as discussed earlier.

If there is capability to run the banks regionally then there has to be options to operate the railway’s region wise. We have zones of railways so that it self can help in diversification of the world’s largest rail network.

The telecommunication is already divided as, if we are out of our home network we are roaming in other region; I think that is where the first hint of diversification started.

So there might be chance of survival of the fittest, if there exists a chance in the future that India is divided from republic of India to Indian Union, still everyone gets to have their own chosen government by elections and taxes vary from place to place. You get to enjoy more benefits if your region is doing better than the others.

As we all know the universal Joke on the UN worldwide survey.

The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"
The survey was a huge failure...
In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.
In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant.
In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant.
In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant.
In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.
In South America they didn't know what "please" meant.
And in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

So the divide and rule concept can work out better in years to come for the development and sustaining ourselves for the global requirement.

All thoughts of readers are welcome.

Please don’t say I am a Desa Drohi, I still cast my vote to elect the right government.

This post of a mere thousand words is just a thought; if you give a deep dive you can understand where the divisions of states is heading.

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